
Help me!

Hari ni aku demam, MC. Heavy flu sampai melecet lubang hidung aku tenyeh tiap-tiap minit. Tengah menaip ni pun kepala aku still berdengung lagi.

So, Sabtu lepas aku abiskan masa depan laptop, menview product range from kompeni baru, and list down what they have to offer and what they don't. Basically, aku rasa diorang are not doing molecular bussiness, diorang lebih kepada analytical. Ok takpe. Aku pun try contact a few core customers and asked them if they have any idea about PCR product from this brand (brand ni aku namakan ABC). Feedbacks yang aku dapat sangat-sangat-sangat hampeh. Out of 10, 2 je yang penah dengar brand ABC ni. Aikk?? Brand sket punya premium, apsal tak penah dengar?

Tak pueh hati lagi ni.
Aku pun call satu customer aku yang dulunya keje as sales rep kat company yang carry brand ABC ni.

Ohhhhh, rupanya memang diorang tak push PCR product brand ABC sebab ada history yang sungguh hitam beberapa tahun lepas. So, diorang cuma boleh excel dalam analytical line sahaja. No wonder this brand jump from one to another distributor. Sah takleh jalan punya. Kalau boleh pun, miracle la kot. Patutla ko offer aku gaji tinggi, lepas tu bolehla aku stress kena maki ngan ko sebab sales tak masuk kan?

Apa la aku nak wat nih???
Ok, tinggalkan dulu masalah itu.

Tadi bos aku hantar email.

----- Original Message -----
From: KM
To: 'green apple' (HAHAHAHAH, macam la org tak tau nama aku kan)
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 3:04 PM
Subject: Grouping Exercise


Mr. L will make the announcement to all staff tomorrow morning. I am now drafting the next move for all in our bussiness unit. Just to share this info with you.

FL will follow me to O&T as the lab will be under Tech division.
(FL ni budak lab aku).

ASR, I will propose to her to join in customer service as I think her capability is more towards that.
(kan aku dah kata budak ni sah takkan bleh buat sales punya). Customer service is a new dept but will be very important one day. I haven’t talk to her yet so really don’t know if she will accept it or not.

For you, I've talked to KZ and Chris. Personally I think if you want to stay in sales, but doing sales from a totally different angle all together, Bussiness Development Unit suits you. KZ have a place for you. This is something refreshing after a while you are in Life Science. But if you are comfortable doing sales like what you are doing now, you can join Chris team, this team is bigger as compared to KZ's. Both KZ and Chris will conduct an interview with you to really see which position suits you. But before they do that, I highly suggest u see KZ personally. She can help you.

We want to make sure that the new role can motivate you and you are happy with it. It's a 2 way interview, not one way, don't worry. At first I nak cakap ngan you today but since you tak sihat, takpelah..take a break……when you dah ok sikit we’ll further discuss.


Sedih pulak dengar bos aku beria-ia tahan aku kat sini.
Sayang sangat kat KM. Banyak aku blaja from dia. Kalau aku stay kat sini pun, dia dah bukan bos aku pasni. Dia dah naik pangkat untuk handle management line. It's either aku bawah KZ (assistant CEO of the company) or Christ (dia ni gila bapakkkkk punya tough! Memang a hungry-type punya sales person. Kalau dia kata dia nak, dia akan dapat).

Ingat lagi tak aku ada bagitau yang CEO aku panggil and nak jadikan aku Head of new buss unit kan? Dia suruh aku handle government account kan? So last week, masa top managment meeting, bila dia announced je the top people ni kena jaga line tu, top people tu kena jaga line ni, dalam meeting room tu dah macam pasar lelong. Masing-masing berebut nak ambik budak mana untuk jadik orang bawah dorang. Masa tu aku rasa bertuah pun ada, sebab aku antara top list yang tak payah direbut, tetapi merebut. Syukur sangat. Apa la nasib budak-budak lain dalam kompeni ni. Dengar-dengar ada yang nak kena tendang. Kalau aku ambik offer CEO untuk handle government accounts, maknanya bos baru aku is Christ. Kalau aku ambik offer untuk masuk Buss Dev Unit which lagi mencabar kot sebab aku kena carik new leads and new agency untuk kompeni, aku akan dok bawah KZ.

Aku tak kisah keje bawah sesaper pun, KZ ok, Christ pun ok.
Cuma terharu je kan, 3 directors sanggup nak tolong aku asalkan aku stay.
And tak sangka the other 2 directors sampai willing to conduct interview so that dia tau line apa yang sesuai untuk aku.

Aku taknak cakap apa-apa.
Sebab aku nak berpikir.
To readers, please bagi buah pikiran. Pikiran aku belum masak ranum lagi buahnya.