A dedication to my stalker
Dear Secret Stalker,
If you are reading this, congratulations, you are continuing to do a great job. I am flattered. You are just the shy silent type that resorts to high school methods such as passing notes through friends. I would like to get to know you better too and see if you grow on me (hoh!), but you prefer to play around huh? You really want to play kan? So, let's play. Please continue to stalk. It's comforting to know that someone is watching over me. Keep up the good work. And to show my greatest appreciation, the below steps might help you to be a real good stalker someday.
Instead of 'lurking' around menggunakan henphone and nombor prepaid (aku letak no ko kat sini karang) dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang sungguh la ado like 'i betul-betul nak kenal you lebih dekat' (grrrrrrr), it will be nice and more intelligent-look if you use delivery services of a florist or gift shop to present me with messages. Aku suka white lily and ferrero roche ok??? Kalau nak bagi cokelat tu bagi lebih2 sikit, anak aku ramai.
Kalau nak anonymous sgt, send anonymous messages through a secret admirer e-mail service la beb, such as SecretAdmirer.com or Lovingyou.com. Baru la meriah dan menggunakan otak sket. Ape ni pakai sms semua. Apesal ko tak call je? Suara ko sengau kan?
Kot ye nak hantar msg pun, please make sure your messages are sweet, funny or light-hearted and create interest la. Ko punya sms memanggil-manggil aku untuk ke balai police buat repot je bang.
p/s : Len kali, kalau laki aku call tu angkat la. Dia pun nak berkenalan ngan ko gak. Baru mesraaaaaaaaaaaaaa.