Aku tengah berdebar-debar bagai genderang mau pulang ni.
Semalam kebetulan customer aku yang beli freezer tu takdak kat lab, so selamaaaaaattt.
Ada la reason aku explain kat dia guna email.
----- Original Message -----
From : Diana
To : Rahsia, nanti competitor tau lubuk emas aku.
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 6:17 PM
Subject: Dairei
Dear **********,
After an exterior inspection of the freezer, our guy decided to test the operating condition.
They found out that the dented area is the location of the temperature and settings control of the freezer. After switching the freezer on, the LCD gave no display. This is because the LCD cable has been damaged and cut, and is mostly likely been affected by the damage described earlier. The earthing cable has also been slightly cut, but this has no effect on the operation of the freezer. The door cannot be sealed tightly, because the lock has insufficient grip on the chasis. This is caused by the misshaped chasis of the freezer.
The main issue is that the temperature and settings control are malfunctional because of a broken cable. The temperature of the chamber after leaving on for 30 minutes seems normal and very cold. So, there appears to be no problems with the compressor or any other major components.
The manufacturer replied that the replacement of the door and the damaged part will only be ready in 2 months time. Since the compressor appears to be allright, we suggest you to use this unit first while waiting for the replacement.
Agak-agak mendidih hingga ke 100C tak kalau customer aku baca email aku yang cukup berbudi bahasa tinggi ni?
Tak sabar nak tunggu kena bantai Monday ni.
Tadi lepas balik dari appointment ngan customer, aku sediakan kolam Redza.
Dulu dah beli dah kolam yang kena pam angin tu tapi bocor pulak.
Bibik aku yang dulu pi sidai kolam tu kat pagar.
Dulu, pagar aku yang dawai tu.
So bijak laksana sangat, pi sidai atas tu mana tak bocor. S
o, smalam aku ngan hubby pi beli kolam baru.
Senang, tak payah aku nak satu keje mengepam kolam.
Yang ni, main curah je air kat dalam. Done.
So, lepas kolam dia dah ready, aku kejutkan dia tido. Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Terpisat-pisat tengok kolam dah penuh ngan air. Siap jerit "Ma, banjir!", sambil tunjuk kolam.
Anak aku ni sejak berita banjir kat Johor dulu, asal ada air bertakung je 'banjir'.
Balik Tganu last month, lalu depan sungai pun "Ma, banjir".
Puas aku kata "Bukan, itu river".
Oh, takmo dengar ni, ikut cakap dia jugak. Siap naikkan jari telunjuk "No, banjir!".
Ye laa, sukati.
Semalam kebetulan customer aku yang beli freezer tu takdak kat lab, so selamaaaaaattt.
Ada la reason aku explain kat dia guna email.
----- Original Message -----
From : Diana
To : Rahsia, nanti competitor tau lubuk emas aku.
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 6:17 PM
Subject: Dairei
Dear **********,
After an exterior inspection of the freezer, our guy decided to test the operating condition.
They found out that the dented area is the location of the temperature and settings control of the freezer. After switching the freezer on, the LCD gave no display. This is because the LCD cable has been damaged and cut, and is mostly likely been affected by the damage described earlier. The earthing cable has also been slightly cut, but this has no effect on the operation of the freezer. The door cannot be sealed tightly, because the lock has insufficient grip on the chasis. This is caused by the misshaped chasis of the freezer.
The main issue is that the temperature and settings control are malfunctional because of a broken cable. The temperature of the chamber after leaving on for 30 minutes seems normal and very cold. So, there appears to be no problems with the compressor or any other major components.
The manufacturer replied that the replacement of the door and the damaged part will only be ready in 2 months time. Since the compressor appears to be allright, we suggest you to use this unit first while waiting for the replacement.
Agak-agak mendidih hingga ke 100C tak kalau customer aku baca email aku yang cukup berbudi bahasa tinggi ni?
Tak sabar nak tunggu kena bantai Monday ni.
Tadi lepas balik dari appointment ngan customer, aku sediakan kolam Redza.
Dulu dah beli dah kolam yang kena pam angin tu tapi bocor pulak.
Bibik aku yang dulu pi sidai kolam tu kat pagar.
Dulu, pagar aku yang dawai tu.
So bijak laksana sangat, pi sidai atas tu mana tak bocor. S
o, smalam aku ngan hubby pi beli kolam baru.
Senang, tak payah aku nak satu keje mengepam kolam.
Yang ni, main curah je air kat dalam. Done.
So, lepas kolam dia dah ready, aku kejutkan dia tido. Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Terpisat-pisat tengok kolam dah penuh ngan air. Siap jerit "Ma, banjir!", sambil tunjuk kolam.
Anak aku ni sejak berita banjir kat Johor dulu, asal ada air bertakung je 'banjir'.
Balik Tganu last month, lalu depan sungai pun "Ma, banjir".
Puas aku kata "Bukan, itu river".
Oh, takmo dengar ni, ikut cakap dia jugak. Siap naikkan jari telunjuk "No, banjir!".
Ye laa, sukati.
Dalam sejam gak la aku dok terlentang kat tepi tu mengadap dia tengah bersiram.
Aku : Redza, dah ke belum? Mama nak buat keje ni.
Redza : Ala, Redza bacuh loyi ni. (Redza basuh lori ni) ---> nampak lori korek dia tu?
After 10 minits.
Aku : Jom masuk. Nanti papa balik tengok Redza belum pakai baju, papa marah.
Redza : No. Ayowan! (No, I dont want!)
After 5 minits.
Redza : Ma, ayuh. Redza ciap. (Ayuh, Redza dah siap).
Aku macam....AYUH?????
Sah, anak aku dah jadik warganegara Indon.
p/s : Tajuk takde kena mengena ngan entry, tapi ada kena mengena ngan resipi tengahari ni. Ok, Chef Diva nak masuk dapur jap.
p/s : Tajuk takde kena mengena ngan entry, tapi ada kena mengena ngan resipi tengahari ni. Ok, Chef Diva nak masuk dapur jap.