Bz nya akuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
Since last week, macam2 macam masalah timbul.
Dengan shipment tak masuk-masuk, balik-balik kena tipu customer.
Management tunggang langgang.
Rumah aku tak siap-siap tapi skang dah siap (YESSSSSS!!)
Maid aku goreng ayam pun tak tau, tukar channel Aruna tau pulak.
Bila dah bengang, mula la otak aku switch ke channel lain.
Bagi melegakan kekusutan pikiran, maka aku telah menimbulkan semula penyakit lama aku...LESLIE CHEUNG!! Best tak singing box aku? Ada lagu cina lagi. Betapa majmuknya blog ini.
For the past few days, been reading websites about him, mingle with the fans (dalam net je la), download mp3, download video clips. ntah hapa hapa lagi. Yang pastinya ia benar-benar menghilang stress keje aku. Tapi stress lain lak timbul. Aku jadik TERLAMPAU GILAKAN Leslie ni sampai balik rumah je, aku bukak hampir semua dedication sites for him. Hubby aku..redhaaaaaa. Nak wat camne kan. Wife still takleh lupa pakwe lama.
And now...aku dah banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkk kawan-kawan baru yang berkepala Leslie seperti aku.! best!
And I'm gonna spend a few ringgit next month (hubby aku kata this month tak bleh, next mth ok) for his biography book written by his fans all around the world. Tengok la nanti..aku akan jadik bertambah GILA.

"There are some moments in my life that I cannot forget.
Not because I am a melancholic person.
But the moment has been too deep planted in my heart and my mind.
There is one person who I cannot forget.
His name was Leslie Cheung Kwok Wing.
Not because I don't want to forget him,
but I cannot forget him."
by Eunike, a fan of Leslie.
Not because I am a melancholic person.
But the moment has been too deep planted in my heart and my mind.
There is one person who I cannot forget.
His name was Leslie Cheung Kwok Wing.
Not because I don't want to forget him,
but I cannot forget him."
by Eunike, a fan of Leslie.

Goodbye Leslie, your star will shine forever!